Welcome to 6G@HK

Advanced Technologies (AT) Program

Our project is a broad-based undertaking centred on integrated programs which encompass three thematically connected fundamental research technology tracks:

Track 1: Transmission and Signal Processing Technology

(Leader: Prof. Vincent Kin Nang LAU, Co-Leader: Prof. Kaibin HUANG) 
In this track, the following four technologies are focused on:
  • Sustainable and Green Wireless Transmission Technologies (Prof. Kaibin HUANG, Prof. Vincent Kin Nang LAU)
  • Distributed Learning and Edge Intelligence (Prof. Jun ZHANG, Prof. Khaled BEN LETAIEF, Prof. Angela Yingjun ZHANG, Prof. Kaibin HUANG, Prof. Vincent Kin Nang LAU)
  • AI-Enabled Optimization (Prof. Jun ZHANG, Prof. Vincent K. N. LAU, Prof. Khaled BEN LETAIEF)
  • Cell-free Massive Networked MIMO (Prof. Ross MURCH, Prof. Vincent Kin Nang LAU, Prof. Khaled BEN LETAIEF)
Click here to view the ground-breaking discoveries of our team in AT Track 1 in the first two years of the project!

Track 2: Low-Power and Radio-Frequency Wave Technology

(Leader: Prof. Ross MURCH, Co-Leader: Prof. Chi Ying TSUI)
The focus of this track is on fundamental hardware development and RF wave technology in the following areas:
  • Reconfigurable Large Intelligent Surfaces (LIS) (Prof. Vincent Kin Nang LAU, Prof. Angela Yingjun ZHANG, Prof. Qian ZHANG, Prof. Ross MURCH)
  • AI Hardware Accelerators and Architectures for Green Communications and Computation (Prof. Vincent Kin Nang LAU, Prof. Chi Ying TSUI)
  • Compact High-Density Massive MIMO Antennas (Prof. Chik Patrick YUE, Prof. Ross MURCH)
  • Low-Latency and Energy-efficient VLSI Channel Decoders Architectures (Prof. Chi Ying TSUI)
  • Joint Communication and Sensing (Prof. Qian ZHANG, Prof. Ross MURCH)
  • Ambient RF Systems (Prof. Chik Patrick YUE, Prof. Ross MURCH)
Click here to view the fantastic achievements of our team in AT Track 2 in the first two years of the project!

Track 3: Wireless Networking Technology

(Leader: Prof. Song GUO, Co-Leader: Prof. Qian ZHANG)
In this track, we aim to develop fundamental technologies for robust, scalable and privacy-preserving access toward 6G networks in the following areas:
  • 3D Networking (Prof. Song GUO, Prof. Kaibin HUANG)
  • Full-Duplex Networking (Prof. Qian ZHANG, Prof. Khaled BEN LETAIEF)
  • Intelligent Spectrum Sharing and Co-existence (Prof. Song GUO, Prof. Qian ZHANG)
  • Network Security Architecture, Privacy, and Secrecy (Prof. Song GUO, Prof. Jiaya JIA)
Click here to view the distinguished accomplishments of our team in AT Track 3 in the first two years of the project!