Welcome to 6G@HK
Advanced Technologies (AT) Program
Our project is a broad-based undertaking centred on integrated programs which encompass three thematically connected fundamental research technology tracks:
Track 1: Transmission and Signal Processing Technology
(Leader: Prof. Vincent Kin Nang LAU, Co-Leader: Prof. Kaibin HUANG)
In this track, the following four technologies are focused on:
Sustainable and Green Wireless Transmission Technologies (Prof. Kaibin HUANG, Prof. Vincent Kin Nang LAU)
Distributed Learning and Edge Intelligence (Prof. Jun ZHANG, Prof. Khaled BEN LETAIEF, Prof. Angela Yingjun ZHANG, Prof. Kaibin HUANG, Prof. Vincent Kin Nang LAU)
AI-Enabled Optimization (Prof. Jun ZHANG, Prof. Vincent K. N. LAU, Prof. Khaled BEN LETAIEF)
Cell-free Massive Networked MIMO (Prof. Ross MURCH, Prof. Vincent Kin Nang LAU, Prof. Khaled BEN LETAIEF)
Click here to view the ground-breaking discoveries of our team in AT Track 1 in the first two years of the project!
Track 2: Low-Power and Radio-Frequency Wave Technology
(Leader: Prof. Ross MURCH, Co-Leader: Prof. Chi Ying TSUI)
The focus of this track is on fundamental hardware development and RF wave technology in the following areas:
Reconfigurable Large Intelligent Surfaces (LIS) (Prof. Vincent Kin Nang LAU, Prof. Angela Yingjun ZHANG, Prof. Qian ZHANG, Prof. Ross MURCH)
AI Hardware Accelerators and Architectures for Green Communications and Computation (Prof. Vincent Kin Nang LAU, Prof. Chi Ying TSUI)
Compact High-Density Massive MIMO Antennas (Prof. Chik Patrick YUE, Prof. Ross MURCH)
Low-Latency and Energy-efficient VLSI Channel Decoders Architectures (Prof. Chi Ying TSUI)
Joint Communication and Sensing (Prof. Qian ZHANG, Prof. Ross MURCH)
Ambient RF Systems (Prof. Chik Patrick YUE, Prof. Ross MURCH)
Click here to view the fantastic achievements of our team in AT Track 2 in the first two years of the project!
Track 3: Wireless Networking Technology
(Leader: Prof. Song GUO, Co-Leader: Prof. Qian ZHANG)
In this track, we aim to develop fundamental technologies for robust, scalable and privacy-preserving access toward 6G networks in the following areas:
3D Networking (Prof. Song GUO, Prof. Kaibin HUANG)
Full-Duplex Networking (Prof. Qian ZHANG, Prof. Khaled BEN LETAIEF)
Intelligent Spectrum Sharing and Co-existence (Prof. Song GUO, Prof. Qian ZHANG)
Network Security Architecture, Privacy, and Secrecy (Prof. Song GUO, Prof. Jiaya JIA)